Discussion meetings, seminars
The Environmentally Advanced Architecture Forum project offers further professional education and knowledge/innovation transfer in sustainable construction and architecture. The project responds to the real need for education and knowledge transfer in the relevant area, which has not been addressed in such a focused way in Prague yet. The dynamic development of the construction industry brings about ever more urgent questions related to sustainable development and effects on the environment. Judging by the current situation, one can arrive at the conclusion that demand for low-energy and passive houses increases, unlike the level of information within the professional community. This can only be addressed by good education and focused information transfer in respect of trends and innovations in sustainable civil engineering. To ensure sustainable development in the long term, it is necessary to improve the quality of professional education as well as ensure know-how and fresh information transfer between the research and application spheres within the industry and contribute to the popularization of research results and information about technological advancements in the Czech Republic and Europe. The project is expected to substantially contribute to the development of professional knowledge, skills and competencies of building companies, construction material manufacturers, developers, investors, etc. At the same time, smooth transfer of information from practice and demand for research projects to the scientific and research sphere will be facilitated.
Target group
- architects, designers, project managers of developer companies and other professionals
- State and local administration personnel
- CVUT (Faculty of Civil Engineering) students
- The staff of our partner – Metrostav MSA